Every tree planted with Tree-Nation has a virtual buddy: the digital tree. These are the building blocks of your forest, and can be gifted or personalized to your liking
We introduced the digital tree as a virtual representation of the trees planted by our sponsors. Collectively, these trees form your forest, which illustrates your global carbon offsetting impact. Tree-Nation connects users with reforestation projects around the world, empowering them to select tree species collaboratively.
Upon planting, a card containing your new tree’s details will be generated in your forest. Your Tree Cards include:
Tree Counter
The number of trees available depends on the stock of your chosen species at the time of planting. Once you choose how many trees to plant, their Tree Card will display that number next to the Tree-Nation icon.
Like & share
The buttons to the right of the Tree Counter may be used to like or share a tree, respectively. If you would like to share your tree, you will have the option to copy its unique URL, or to post it on a social media platform such as Facebook, X, or LinkedIn.
The ellipse icon on your Tree Card will allow you to pin your trees to the top of your forest. Those that are pinned will display the pin icon.
Image & caption
Each planting allows for personalization of the image and message that displays on a tree’s card. If you make use of this option, you will have the image and message in your forest (and your gift recipients on theirs) as a keepsake of your reason for planting. If you choose not to personalize your trees, we will automatically generate content related to the species you are planting.
Any meaningful activity, whether personal or professional, can be linked to the planting of a tree. Visit our Planting Habits section to learn about our most popular ones.
Once a tree is planted, the comments section allows gift recipients and the Tree-Nation community to comment with thanks, or in support of the tree.
Planter acknowledgement
Should a tree be a gift from one user to another, this information will appear at the bottom of its card, thanking the gifter. For any trees that are not gifts, the planting user’s name will be listed here.
When you click on one of your Tree Cards, a dialogue box will show specific information about that species. This includes its scientific name, characteristics/uses, and the estimated amount of CO2 the tree is expected to sequester, or absorb, during its lifetime. Additionally, you will find an overview about the reforestation project to which the tree belongs.
At the bottom of this dialogue box, you will find a link to a Tree Certificate. This document validates your tree planting activity, specifying the species planted in your chosen location. It exhibits Tree-Nation’s registration number, and bears the signature of the relevant project manager.
Trees make ideal gifts for your customers and employers! Explore our Tree-Gifts section for further details.