Manuale di integrazione per Prestashop

This integration will allow you to offer a tree each time a customer buys a product. Completing this integration will take you less than 5 minutes. Once completed, the system will be 100% automated.

Questo articolo sarà presto tradotto in italiano. Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente.

Step 1: Download the prestashop-tree-nation module

Please save this file in your computer and proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Install the webhook in your Prestashop


  • Go to your admin in Prestashop
  • Go to the menu Modules > Modules & Services

  • At the top of the page, click the button 'Upload a module'

  • Select the file in your computer ''.
  • Once installed, click the button 'Configure'

Fill in the form with your Tree-Nation ID
You can find your Tree-Nation ID on this page:

and copy it here:

(don’t write anything in advanced parameters unless instructed to do so)


Click on 'Save'

That’s it!

Step 3: Now, make a test!


Quickly make a purchase of a product in your shop to make sure you receive your tree!

Important: When making your test, do not use the same email you use in your Tree-Nation account. Otherwise our system will detect that you are the tree sender as well as the tree recipient and no gift email will be sent. Use any other email and it will work.

Option - Customization

Please click here to make any customization modification.

Tools for your website and communication

Please click here to access tools for communicating about our partnership.