Display your commitment on a webpage

Customers prefer products that benefit the environment. Spotlight your commitment by creating your own header or webpage

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At a time when product sales are seeing a positive correlation with increased sustainability practices, you can leverage your communications strategy to align with consumer preferences. Demonstrate your commitment to climate positivity by creating a dedicated webpage to showcase your impact.

The structure of our sponsors' webpages vary, but most have in common that they incorporate our multimedia asset collection to drive engagement. Most importantly, we recommend explaining the rationale behind your Tree-Nation sponsorship and including your custom smart-label, which links directly to your brand's forest. This allows customers to view your planted trees, hectares reforested, and CO2 offset directly, providing tangible evidence of your commitment to sustainability.

For e-commerce businesses, we recommend making a header bar part of your strategy. Take our sponsor MarketSurf, for example. This is a marketplace for surfers which exclusively sells sustainable brands. The company has pledged to plant a tree for every product that they sell, and wanted to provide an incentive for clients at the browsing stage. Enter the One Product-One Tree header:

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MarketSurf customers are now informed, prior to purchase, that their product will be helping to plant a tree and offset their CO2 emissions, making them more likely to complete any given transaction.

Whether using a header or a webpage, be sure to take advantage of the perks that come with your Tree-Nation sponsorship. Having a dedicated webpage is a practical way to capture traffic whenever your tree-planting commitment is mentioned, whether on social media, over e-mail, or within newsletters.

 If you are looking for creative inspiration, feel free to review a selection of our sponsor webpages, below:
ED&F Man Sugar
Joolz Strollers
Liforme Yoga
Barner Glasses
Elrow Events