Factorial Integration

Plant a pack of trees and offer it as a Tree-Gift to each new hire as soon as they join so as to make a strong impression of your companyʼs sustainable culture.

Platforms: Factorial (via Zapier)
Planting habit: #WelcomeToTheTeam


  • A premium Zapier account - Check Zapier plans
  • A Tree-Nation Token (Obtained here)
  • A Gmail account, separate or identical to the Google Calendar account.
  • A factorial account with access permissions
How it works: Once a new employee is added to Factorial app, an email is sent from Gmail to the new employee welcoming him to the team, with a link to collect a tree-gift.

How it will look

image (8)-1

Note: Both the message in Gmail, and the message in Tree-Nation are customizable. If you want to customize the message in Tree-Nation, you can do it from here.


Add the Zap installation template

We have already prepared the template for you so all you need to do is customize it to fit your needs.

Head to our Zap template, and at the bottom of the page, click on ‘Try this template’.

Within the zap template, you will have 1 Trigger and 2 Actions.

Screenshot 2025-01-15 093149

Step 1: Edit the Trigger ‘Core - New Employee in Factorial’


  • Head to the first section of the template and click on the Trigger shown below.
    Screenshot 2025-01-15 093409
    It will ask you to connect your Factorial account. Make sure you have the necessary privilege in Factorial to access the employee’s list.

  • Click on the ‘Continue’ button then ‘Test Trigger’ and click on continue. It will take you to the 1st Action tab of the template.

Step 2: Plant a Tree in Tree-Nation

By now you should be in this step, where you will connect your Tree-Nation account to Zapier. 

Screenshot 2025-01-15 093504

Click on Sign in and add the API Token provided to you, and test the action. 

By now, a tree should be planted in your forest. Click on ‘Continue’ to move to the final step.

Step 3: Send Email in Gmail

In the ‘Account’ tab, connect the Gmail account that will be sending the email to the new employee, and click on continue. 

You will now be in the Action tab. Feel free to customize or add any fields into the automation:

  • From name
  • Subject 
  • Body
  • Gmail Signature. 

The remaining fields are not necessary for this integration to work, so once you finish the customization, head to the Test section and click on ‘Test action’, then Publish your zap.


Note: Tree-Nation app does not yet have the feature to offer the trees through Tree-Nation email system through Zapier, therefore if you want to use our email system you will have to use a Zapier webhook instead of Tree-Nation app. Please refer to this article for guidance on how to do it.