Hubspot Integration

Platforms: HubSpot (via Zapier)

Planting habit: #GreenPartnership


  • A Tree-Nation account (100 free trees for new users), no integration cost, only pay for the trees planted
  • A premium Zapier account - Check Zapier plans
  • A Tree-Nation Token (Obtained here)
  • A HubSpot account


Add the Zap installation template

We have already prepared the template for you so all you need to do is customize it to fit your needs.

Head to our Zap template, and at the bottom of the page, click on ‘Try this template’.

Within the zap template, you will have 1 Trigger and 1 Action. 

Step 1: Edit the Trigger ‘Updated Deal Stage in HubSpot’

  • Head to the first section of the template and click on the Trigger as shown below.

It will ask you to connect your HubSpot account. Make sure you connect an account that has access to the pipeline and all the deals where you want the integration to function.

  • Head to the Trigger subsection and select the deal pipeline and deal stage you want to trigger the tree everytime a deal lands on that specific stage.

“Additional properties to retrieve” field is optional, if you store the contact’s email inside the deal and want to offer the tree to your client, then you can also retrieve that property, and later on create a third step in the zap to send the tree to your client through your email system.

  • Click on ‘Test Trigger’ and click on continue. It will take you to the 1st Action tab of the template.

Step 2: Plant a Tree in Tree-Nation

By now you should be in this step, where you will connect your Tree-Nation account to Zapier. 

Click on Sign in and add the API Token provided to you, and test the action. 

By now, a tree should be planted in your forest. Click on ‘Continue’ to move to the final step.

Step 3: Send Email in Gmail (Optional)

As mentioned in Step 1, if you store your client’s login email within a deal property, you can create a third step to send the tree-gift to your client through your email system. To do so, click on the “+” icon below the step 2, as shown below:

  1. Search your email system and select it. In this example, we will go by “Gmail”.
  2. In the App & event tab, set the event “Send email”

In the ‘Account’ tab, connect the Gmail account that will be sending the email to the recipient. 

You will now be in the Action tab. Start by going to the first field “To” and select the HubSpot property from step 1 that you decided to import. This property should contain the email of the recipient. 

Fill the fields shown below in the screenshot as well. Make sure you include the link in the Body message, which you can retrieve from Step 2.

Test the action and publish  your zap. A tree should be planted and offered to your client now, everytime a deal reaches Closed Won, or any other deal stage of your choice.