Net Zero Website: offset website emissions automatically

Use our smart label to track your website's page views and automatically trigger tree plantings

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The service

The Net Zero Website service helps offset your website's CO2 emissions by planting trees. When you add our smart label to your site's footer, trees will be planted based on the number of webpage views it receives:

Net Zero Website 2This service is offered free of charge to most sponsors, except for those with high-traffic websites (10 million+ page views per year).

Your benefits

The internet's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rival those of the aviation industry due to the extensive network of data centers, transmission systems, and personal devices it employs. With Net Zero Website, you will be able to track and offset your virtual activity while your customers browse knowing that they are not contributing to internet emissions on your website. The service will grant you access to a personalized counter where you can compare your webpage visits to the CO2 being compensated by your planted trees:


Net Zero Website 3

Our smart label

Upon subscribing to our service, you can embed our smart label in your website’s footer. This label tracks your website’s CO2 emissions based on page visits and converts them into planted trees, which will be displayed in your Company Forest. Here is how the tree planting default setting works:

  • At installation: first tree is planted upon installing the smart label to ensure it is functioning correctly,

  • After 15,000 page views: second tree is planted,

  • Every 25,000 page views thereafter: additional trees are planted to continually offset your website's emissions.

Privacy Note: Our smart label only tracks the number of page visits and does not monitor page content or customer information. Our tracking method is compliant with privacy and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policies.

Species, projects, and pricing

The species planted with Net Zero Website are selected based on cost and impact, carefully managed by the Tree-Nation team. Our policy is to invest traditional marketing budgets into tree planting, enabling us to offer this service at no cost to most sponsors. This mutually beneficial approach lowers sponsor onboarding costs and showcases our platform’s capabilities while maximizing the number of trees we can plant. To see the specific species planted, visit your forest.

If your website has 10 million yearly page views or less, you may subscribe to Net Zero Website here. For higher-traffic websites, fill out the form below:



Complement your Net Zero Website solution with our suite of services: Net Zero Product and Net Zero Team to reach carbon neutrality, or become climate positive by joining the Tree-Nation Pledge.