Our monthly Campaigns

Campaigns are monthly events during which the Tree-Nation community plants together to support and celebrate global causes

Our monthly Campaigns 1

You may already be familiar with our Planting Habits, where the Tree-Nation community expresses their motivations for planting by using hashtags. Our monthly Campaigns also use hashtags, but they are designed to spotlight globally significant issues, such as #EarthDay or #EndangeredSpecies.

Our Forests page displays different Campaign hashtags month-over-month, along with a ranking of the Company and Citizen users that have planted the most for them. On average, Campaigns have a set goal of planting 50,000 trees, and their top contributors are recognized with badges as well as displayed on our leaderboard:

Our monthly Campaigns 2

You do not have to be a badge holder to be listed on our Forests page- the top one hundred Company and Citizen planters will be listed for any given Campaign.

Planting in support of a Campaign
To plant for a specific Campaign, you can follow the instructions on our planting page. Any planting activities, no matter the size, can take part in a Campaign. You can even offer trees to your employees or customers using our bulk feature. As long as your order is personalized with the appropriate hashtag, the associated trees will be tracked under the Campaign- this is your ticket to join the competition for first place!

Our monthly campaigns 3

You can find a calendar to our current and upcoming campaigns here.


Company communications
For Company users, Campaigns serve as a powerful tool to complement corporate social responsibility strategies. During each Campaign, the top three Company planters for each will be featured on Tree-Nation’s social media platforms, and badge-holding Companies will receive communication assets that they may share on social media: 

Our monthly Campaigns 4

Keep in mind that you may only use one hashtag per planting, and that one tree represents one count of the hashtag. We track the number of trees planted for each cause on our platform, aiming to transform our most-used hashtags into Tree-Nation traditions.