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Plantation timing

In most of our reforestation projects, we plant the trees with respect to the local seasons. The best time to plant a tree is imposed by nature and we certainly respect it to ensure its possible growth.

When is the best time to plant trees? This moment of the year depends on the planting project and the climate that regulates it. A few species can be planted all year long and are therefore an exception to this rule. But for most species, there is only 1 planting season per year.

So while our dear members fund trees all year long on our website, we carry out the tree planting at specific periods of the year. This requires good planning. Our stock system allows us to do this very well.

In most projects, the best moment to plant trees is at the beginning of the rainy season in order to provide as much water as possible to the seedlings during their first months after transplant.

If you’d like to find the exact planting season of a project, it’s very easy:

  • First, find the project you were looking for from our Project List.
  • Now click on the projects about page:

  • Then scroll down to find the planting season: