Planting habit recipe #NetZeroTeam

Make your team carbon-neutral by planting trees for every team member every month.

Planting Habit Net Zero Team

Recommended for: Companies in any industry that want to offset the CO2 emissions of their team.

Concept details:
Plant a tailored mix of trees prepared by Tree-Nation to offset the equivalent amount of CO2 that your employees emit while in the office. You just have to add the number of employees you have in your team and Tree-Nation will automatically plant the trees in your company forest each month. Every member of your team will receive their trees and an email will inform them of the surprise species of the month.

The Net Zero Team service covers activities such as using electricity at work, food, small office material, short-distance team travel and occasional long-distance travel.


    • Win for the planet: this Planting Habit will allow to plant a large number of trees in a very simple way.
    • Win for your company: it aligns your operations with sustainable practices, strengthens your brand, fosters employee engagement, and contributes to the collective efforts in combating climate change.
    • Win for your employees: they feel empowered and engaged, knowing that their contributions are making a positive impact. The Planting Habit fosters a sense of pride, well-being and motivation, leading to increased job satisfaction and a stronger sense of purpose in their work.

How it works:

1. Every month at the anniversary date of your company’s subscription to the service, each employee will receive an email from Tree-Nation informing them that 2 trees were planted for them.

Example :

Tree-Nation email NZT

2. They can click on the two links of the tree gifts and will be redirected to the “collect your tree” page.

Tree Gift Collection

3. The employee can now collect the Tree-Gift from your company on Tree-Nation’s platform and discover which species have been planted for them.

4. In your company forest, you will see all the trees planted and offered. When the employee collects their trees, you will see their name under the corresponding trees, otherwise, you will only see their first name and the first letter of their last name.
Example :
Collected tree-gift in forestNot collected tree-gift in forest

Checklist of needed information from your company to implement this planting habit:

  • Number of employees
  • Employees’ names + last names
  • Employees’ email addresses


Follow the steps directly from our website.