Planting habit recipe #NetZeroWebsite

Offset the carbon emissions of your website by installing our smart label.

Planting Habit Net Zero Website

Recommended for: All companies.

Concept details:
Install our Net Zero Website widget on your webpage to measure its emissions and automatically plant trees to offset them for free*.

*Free except for very large websites with a total page view per year superior to 10 million. Above 10 million, please click here to learn more.


    • Win for the planet: this Planting Habit will allow to plant a large number of trees in a very simple way.
    • Win for your company: enhances the company's reputation by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, attracting environmentally conscious customers and stakeholders. It also aligns with corporate social responsibility goals, fostering positive brand perception and differentiation in the market.
  • Win for your customers:  feel good about supporting a company that takes proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint. They become part of the collective effort to combat climate change, knowing that their engagement with the company contributes to a positive environmental impact.

How it works:

1. Install the Net Zero Website smart widget on your company’s website footer.


2. Tree-Nation will calculate your website's emissions based on the number of visits it receives.

3. Tree-Nation will automatically plant the trees needed to offset the views in your company forest.
