
Learn how you can interact with the Project network

For users: Trust & Transparency
As a user, this section allows you to directly interact with the Project Holders,  and ask them questions and inquiries regarding the project.

More significantly, this is a great way to increase transparency about the project activities and increase trust. 

For project Holders: Interacting with other Project Managers

Additionally, if you are a Project holder and require any kind of assistance, you can use this section to ask managers of other projects for advice. Tree-Nation embeds a great network of tree-planting experts, so feel free to ask the other projects about their methods, techniques and activities. You are also encouraged to share your experience with others. Managing a successful project involves a lot of learning, therefore, it’s important to develop better practices.

How to follow up on this section?

You will be notified when somebody asnswer you a question on the project’s dashboard. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you check it often to see if you have any pending notifications.