Seeds Game

Seeds is an online game that unlocks the power of the Tree-Nation community by growing seeds into real trees, drop by drop

Seeds Game 1

Tree-Nation sponsors have the option to either plant trees directly or fund trees for the Seeds Game. In this game, community members can earn trees for free through the following process:

  1. Plant your seed
    Visit our Seeds Game page and click on the Plant a new seed-1 button. Ensure that you personalize your seed with an eye catching image and engaging message, as this content will determine whether other users water it. Click the Plant your seed-1 button to post it to the Seeds Game feed (pictured above).

    Ensure that all content posted to the Tree-Nation Platform complies with our Terms of Use. Inappropriate images may be replaced with photos of the relevant tree species.

  2. Wait for Tree-Nation users to water your seed
    Once your seed has been published, users will be able to view its species information by clicking on the Seed icon-1 button, water it by clicking on the Water drop-1 button, and share it by clicking on the Share button-1 button. To increase your chances of receiving water drops, you can interact with other seeds, or share yours to social media platform such as Facebook, X, or LinkedIn. 
    Seeds Game 2
  3. Receive your tree
    If your seed receives one hundred water drops in less than ten days, it will grow into a tree, displaying the message ‘I’m a tree now!'. If it does not receive enough drops, it will be marked as a lost seed. You will be able to review your seeds' status from the seeds section of your forest.

    Seeds Game 3

Each time you plant a seed, a four-day countdown begins. Upon its completion, you will receive another seed to plant. Note that seeds don't accumulate- the cycle will continue after each new planting.

Use the filters located on the upper left of the Seeds Game page to:

Seeds filter-1 view seeds sorted by category             
Seeds filter1-1view seeds sorted by date posted