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Species packages

If you automate your services with Net Zero Product, Internet of Trees, or our Pledge, you will be able to plant using a curated species package

Our services Net Zero Product, Internet of Trees, and the Tree-Nation Pledge allow for automated tree planting based on triggers from your sales, events, or on a recurring schedule. With this in mind, we have designed three species packages that allow you to plant in different projects to achieve a positive environmental impact.

Explore our different packages below, where prices are displayed before any applicable value-added taxes (VAT, may affect sponsors in specific regions).

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With our species packages, you are guaranteed:

Rotational species mixes
Our Tree-Nation forestry experts curate and regularly update a selection of species available in your selected package.

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Planting around the world
Our species packages are planted in anywhere from two to five countries around the world, depending on your selection. Your package’s number of countries is guaranteed each calendar year, though we may vary specific planting sites based on project and species stock availability.

Increasing diversity
As you move up our package tiers, their species mix grows. Since each tree species offers different benefits (see one species' uses below), greater diversity translates to increased positive impact on local wildlife and human communities. Your package’s number of species is guaranteed each calendar year, though we may vary which specific species those are based on project and stock availability. 

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Visit the species section of a project’s site to view the variety that they offer. You may browse through all Tree-Nation projects on our Projects List.

If you would like us to assist you in setting a custom planting program, sign up for our Pledge’s Marketplace subscription.