Tree pricing, explained

Our pricing structure varies from project to project, allowing us to offer trees starting at less than one Euro!

Tree pricing, explained 1

At Tree-Nation, we are committed to offering fair prices to our sponsors while ensuring the success of our projects. Basic costs are related to trees' development: seed sourcing, nursery time, transplantation, early maintenance, growth monitoring, and replanting (in case of unexpected loss). In addition, projects incur gear, digging/irrigation equipment, transportation, and labor costs. We empower our project managers to design their pricing strategy, then rigorously vet it to confirm that it aligns with their specific practices. As a result of this approach, you pay a one-time fee per tree, covering its lifespan without additional costs.

Tree planting processes differ across projects depending on the country of operation and its cost of life, project scale, tree species, maintenance needs, and planting methods. Project scale particularly impacts costs, as bigger plantations benefit from economies of scale where the price per tree decreases as the size of the plantation increases. Smaller, niche projects might incur slightly higher expenses, but may offer exceptional biodiversity benefits such as preserving endangered species. Ultimately, price is not indicative of tree quality, but rather of the context which surrounds its planting. 

Tailoring prices to each project offers two key benefits: first, it ensures that project holders are financially equipped to manage their plantations, and second, it results in a range of pricing options. Regardless of where sponsors fall on the price sensitivity spectrum, we have a suitable option for them to plant. We offer this variety so that you may select the option that aligns with your budget and offsetting needs. Please note we don’t offer discounts as we want to treat every sponsor the same way and allow them to plant online with the peace of mind that they have received the best price they can get.

Depending on your location, a value-added tax (VAT) may apply to the total cost of your trees, which you will be able to review during check-out. For specific pricing questions, please refer to our support chat.

You may browse trees by visiting our Projects List and use our Tree pricing, explained 2 feature to list them by price, shown on each project’s planting button:

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For questions about specific project pricing, please refer to our support chat.