Seeds Game: water drops

You will collect a certain amount of water drops each day, which you may use to water the seeds of other Tree-Nation users into trees!

When you play our Seeds Game, you will be able to plant your own seeds, as well as water the seeds of our community members into trees.

Your water drop collection in the Seeds Game is influenced by the daily weather conditions of the Tree-Nation platform. During drought, you will gather 8 water drops, but you can collect up to 30 drops on stormy days.

Keep an eye on the Seeds Game page for the daily weather forecast and your current water drop count, displayed on the weather bar at the bottom of the page:

Clicking on the weather bar will allow you to check how many drops you will collect on a certain day. If you are subscribed to one of our Net Zero Citizen plans, your water drops will be multiplied x2, x3, or x4 the daily number, depending on your plan:

Seeds game water drops 2

If you do not spend your drops to water seeds, they will not accumulate. Your water drop counter resets every 24 hours, granting you a fresh supply based on the Tree-Nation weather forecast.