The seeds section of your profile tracks the progress of your seeds while the Tree-Nation community waters them into trees
Besides receiving Tree-Gifts, the Seeds Game is another way you can plant trees free of cost, whether you are a Citizen or a Company user!
The premise of the game is that you plant a seed for a certain cause, which other Tree-Nation users will be able to view and support by watering it, drop by drop, until it reaches 100 drops and grows into a tree. There is a time limit of 10 days to reach tree status, but if a seed does not make it to a tree, don’t worry- four days after you plant a seed, another will be given to you.
Within the ‘Seeds’ tab of your forest, you can plant a new seed, personalize it with an image and message, then share it to social media to encourage friends to water it and increase its likelihood of growing into a tree. You can also view the seeds that you have planted and monitor their progress:
Each Seed Card contains the following information:
Seed button
Clicking on the seed button expands its cover image, revealing seed watering progress, comments from the Tree-Nation community, and a sharing button to recruit your friends to water it. Further down in this section, you will find specific species and plantation project information.
Water & share
The buttons to the right of the seed button may be used to water or share it, respectively. If you would like to share your seed, you will have the option to copy its unique URL, or to post it on a social media platform such as Facebook, X, or LinkedIn.
Image & caption
Each seed allows for personalization of the image and message that displays on its card. Remember to make these assets meaningful, as the watering of your seeds depends on how appealing they are to the Tree-Nation community!
Progress bar
The progress bar tracks the percentage of water drops that your seed has reached, and the days left until its expiration. If your seed does not grow into a tree, it will be marked as a lost seed.
The comments section allows the Tree-Nation community to express their support. It is common for watering users to identify themselves by the number of water drops they represent, adding momentum to your seed progress.
The blue bar located at the bottom of the ‘Seeds’ tab displays your water drop counter, which resets every 24 hours, along with the Tree-Nation platform’s weather forecast. Depending on the rainfall forecast for the day, you will receive between 4 and 25 drops to contribute to watering our community’s seeds. To learn more, visit our dedicated Seeds Game article.