About section - Key elements

This section provides an overview of your project. This is the main space to share what your project is about.

At Tree-Nation we show straightforward and transparent information about each one of our projects, explaining how they work, their history, land management, team, and other characteristics. All of this information can be found in the About Section of each project page. 

An important aspect of each project is to be able to show the actions they are taking towards achieving their specific tree planting goals, for which we created the key elements.


NEW FEATURE! Search engine for Reforestation Projects

The users now have the possibility to search and filter projects by their key elements, location, status, and rating. 

On the Tree-Nation platform, all online posts from each project are now associated to the key elements of that project.  This allows our users to search for projects based on their key elements. 

Project search list based on key elements - User view  

This update boosts visibility for all projects, making it simpler for users and clients to discover initiatives aligned with their interests. By selecting topics of greater relevance, they can easily identify projects actively addressing these issues. The result is a richer experience and deeper engagement for both project holders and the Tree-Nation community.


What are key elements? 

Within the About section of the profile of each project, you'll find key elements that highlight the project's focus areas. This section succinctly informs our users and clients about the goals and outcomes of the project, along with the critical issues it addresses, facilitating a quick understanding of what the project endeavors to achieve.

Key elements - User View 

How to add and use key elements

The key elements in the About section are organized into five different categories. Each category comprehensively includes its respective key elements as follows:

  • Project activities: Reforestation; Conservation; Preservation; Agroforestry;  Afforestation; Water resources management. 
    • Planting methods: Direct seeding; Muvuca; Seed bomb; Aerial seeding; Nursery seedling transplant; Eco bags nursery; Assisted natural regeneration. 
      • Environmental benefits: Fauna conservation; Fighting desertification; Land restoration; Avoiding deforestation; Organic. 
        • Social benefits: Students & volunteers; Food security; Poverty relief; Education; Gender equality; Social economy; Environmental awareness; Social inclusion; Local heritage; Indigenous tribes; Ecotourism; Infrastructure. 
          • Other key aspects: Scientific research; Frequent project updates; Award-winning; Team building. 

            Key element display prior to selection - Project Holder view 

            The key elements will be organized into the previously mentioned categories for clarity. Below is an example of how they appear in the Project Holder view prior to the selection of specific key elements. 

            Key element selection - Project Holder view 
            To choose key elements that match the Project's objectives, simply click on '+ Add key element' and select from the available options provided.

            Key element description - Project Holder view
            Hover over each key element to see a description. To select, click on them and they'll turn green. Remember to click on 'save changes' after making your selection.

            Display of chosen key elements - Project Holder view
            After selecting your key elements and saving the changes, they will appear as shown in the figure below: displayed in gray with a number indicating how many updates (posts or articles) are associated to each element.

            When the key elements appear in gray, it means that they will not be visible to our Tree-Nation community. 

            Display of chosen key elements with updates associated to them - Project Holder view
            To make key elements visible, ensure you have three or more posts or articles with relevant hashtags. In the figure below, key elements in green indicate there are updates tagged with the corresponding hashtags.

            In the provided example, the project has chosen 15 key elements, but only 5 are highlighted in green. This indicates that from a user's perspective, only the green key elements will be visible, as they are linked to updates in your project's update section using hashtags. A key element must be tagged in at least 3 different updates to remain visible to clients. 

            Our goal with this approach is to enhance how projects communicate their activities and enable users to more effectively filter project content and seek information on specific key elements.


            Hashtags in the Updates

            As you create a post (see Updates section article), you will be able to link the key elements you selected with posts using hashtags. Through these steps, you can easily select the hashtags related to your key elements and add them to the bottom of your post.

            In order to create an update, go to the updates section of your project page, and then click on either the article or post on the right upper side of the page (see figure below). 

            How to create a new post or article - Project Holder view


            When you click on either option, a window will pop up to let you add an image or video, a message, and at the bottom, you will have the option to add up to 2 key elements. The list shown will be related to the Key elements you have established in your About section.

            Example display: creating a new post or article

            As you select key elements, they'll be automatically included in your post. With each update, the count of related updates to each key element will rise, allowing them to become more prominent in the About section of your project page.

            Example display: post with associated key elements as hashtags.


            Also, when you click on the 3 dots on the upper right side of the post, you can either edit the post or delete it. This can be done for both articles and posts, and will also let you modify the key elements.