API - Link any action on your software to trigger a tree

With our API, you can program any action on your website or software to trigger a Tree-Gift for your customers. Our API is our most powerful tool that lets you plant and offer trees with the level of customization you desire.

Our trees work as e-gifts that can be linked to any products or services and triggered by any action you set. Ideal for large projects, apps, and SAAS platforms. Check here all the integrations we offer.  


What the API does

Our API lets you plant and offer trees for any action. This includes selecting the project and species, and the option to receive the Tree-Gift URL in return. With this URL, the recipient will be able to collect and plant his tree on our platform. You can decide who sends the Tree-Gift email with the URL to the recipient: Tree-Nation or yourself.

You can use the default tree message or create new ones.

Under our API package, we also include some RSS feeds so you can collect information about a project or your forest and plug this content directly into your software.

The rest is handled on our platform.

With more advanced features, you can create a Tree-Nation user profile for your corporate clients. You can also manage and distribute credits to those clients  (contact us).

Level 1 - The API user

As an API user, your forest will be the SAAS platform that wants to include trees as a gamification mechanism within it. I.E: Offer a tree to every new employee, or to every client that reached certain points in a reward system.

Level 2 - End-Users

The end-users are the Tree-Gift recipients that are rewarded with them in function of their actions on the SAAS platform.

Tree creation

The main function of the API is to trigger/create a tree. When triggered, the API gives back a unique tree URL, which can be passed on to the end-user and serve as proof of planting and its own tree certificate.

Each URL redirects its recipient to your Tree-Nation forest to collect their Tree-Gift.

Communication with the recipient

If Tree-Nation is tasked to send the Tree-Gift emails, the recipient’s name and email can be passed through the API.

Each tree is linked to 2 forests: the corporate client forest (seen as the one gifting the tree) and the end-user forest (seen as the one receiving the tree).

  • All the trees are thus visible in the SAAS platform forest.

  • Each client has as many trees as they order, under your forest (the gifting company) and his forest as well (the recipient).

Forest information

The API also provides you with a series of content that can be directly included in the SAAS platform:

  • Tree and CO2 counters for any given forest (the SAAS platform forest or the End-user forest).

  • All project updates.

  • All updates related to a single project.

  • All updates related to a single forest (the SAAS platform forest, Corporate forest, or End-user forest).

Terms and Conditions of species selection

There are two methodologies for selecting tree species for planting:

  1. Selection by Price (Recommended): This user-friendly option allows for planting through predefined species packages, each anchored to a specific price point. The composition of species within these packages is dynamically managed by Tree-Nation and may vary periodically to align with the predetermined price. Opting for this method ensures cost stability and simplifies the selection process.

  2. Selection by Species ID (Advanced): This approach utilizes the Species ID, obtained via the API, to plant a specific tree species. However, it's important to note that the cost associated with this method is subject to fluctuation over time. As such, should you prefer to plant a specific species, it is advisable to verify the current cost through the API prior to each planting request, thereby mitigating potential discrepancies in pricing.

To engage the first option and leverage a species package, simply omit the species_id from your API request's body. Doing so will prompt the system to default to the species package pre-configured in your account, which can be set using the form provided below, or adjusted through your Forest Success Manager.

Start testing

To get started, please create an account in our test website. There you will be able to test the integration of the API. When ready, let us know through the form below and we will provide you with a token code for our live website.

Check our documentation

Click on this link to find our API documentation on Postman.

Request API Token



If you are testing our API on our test site, we will give you free credits in advance.

For more advanced features, please contact us at slim@tree-nation.com

We keep improving it

Our API is built to be the ultimate gamification tool. We will make sure that it fits your configuration requirements and plan to keep developing its functionalities in the function of our client's feedback. So please do not hesitate to ask us for new features that would make sense for your business, we’ll try very hard to make it happen!