Campaigns calendar 2025

Explore our monthly planting campaigns for companies.

When you join one of our monthly campaigns and as you reach a milestone of planted trees, you will receive a badge that you can share as marketing material through your social media. 

Below you can find more information on nest year's campaigns. If you'd like to see our current and previous campaigns, click here.


January: #NewYear

Why join?

Start the New Year with a resolution that makes a difference. Trees are vital for sequestering carbon and fighting climate change, with each new tree contributing to a healthier planet. By planting trees, you’re setting the tone for a year of positive impact, growth, and environmental responsibility.

February: #Valentines

Why join?

Encourage your company and customers to plant trees as a symbol of enduring love and care for the environment. On average, a tree can absorb over 250 kilograms of CO2 throughout its lifetime, making it a powerful symbol of lasting impact. It’s a heartfelt way to express your commitment to a better, healthier world.


Why join?

Celebrate International Women’s Day with #WomensDay by supporting tree-planting initiatives that empower women. Studies show that women are more likely to invest in community and environmental well-being when given the resources. Trees provide economic opportunities and improve quality of life in many communities


Why join?

April is the time to make a big impact with #EarthDay. With deforestation contributing to between 12-20% of global greenhouse gas emissions1, planting trees is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change. By participating in Earth Day activities, your company can contribute to global efforts to protect our planet.


Why join?

Protecting endangered species is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and the health of our ecosystems. By participating in #EndangeredSpecies, you can help restore habitats and support the survival of species at risk. Planting trees creates vital environments where these species can thrive, which in turn helps preserve our planet's natural heritage.


Why join?

Trees play a critical role in absorbing carbon dioxide, improving air quality, and combating climate change. By joining this campaign, you’ll not only contribute to a healthier planet but also inspire others to take action in protecting our environment.


Why join?

#NatureConservation is about safeguarding the natural world for future generations. Trees are essential to this effort, as they provide shelter, food, and oxygen while preventing soil erosion and maintaining the balance of our ecosystems.

August: #WorldWaterWeek

Why join?

Trees are essential in maintaining clean and abundant water supplies by preventing soil erosion, filtering pollutants, and regulating the water cycle. Forested areas improve the quality of freshwater and reduce the risks of floods and droughts.


Why join?

Women often play a key role in environmental management, yet their contributions are frequently overlooked. Planting trees not only restores the environment but also provides opportunities for economic empowerment, especially for women in developing communities. 

You can check our projects focused on gender equality here.

October: #FoodSecurity

Why join?

Trees like moringa, which are planted in some of our projects, play a vital role in combating hunger and malnutrition, as they are packed with nutrients and can thrive in harsh climates. By supporting the planting of moringa and other food-producing trees, we can help provide communities with reliable sources of nutritious food, promoting resilience and improving food security on a global scale. 

Some of our projects in India, Mozambique 

November: #GreenFriday

Why join?

Turn Black Friday into #GreenFriday by focusing on giving back to the planet. The environmental costs of increased consumerism are significant, including higher carbon emissions and waste. You can encourage your company and customers to plant trees instead of indulging in consumerism. It’s a powerful way to reduce your carbon footprint, restore ecosystems, and make a positive impact on the environment.


Why join?

Celebrate the season of giving with #Christmas by planting trees. The holiday season is often marked by excessive consumption, which leads to increased waste and environmental impact. Planting trees during this time is a meaningful way to contribute to a greener planet, spreading joy and sustainability.


You can learn more about our campaigns and how to be part of them here.


1. London School of Economics, 2023.  What is the role of deforestation in climate change and how can 'Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation' (REDD+) help?