Planting habit recipe #ThanksForYourFeedback

Automatically plant and gift a tree in response to each survey response or feedback received.

ThanksForYourFeedback banner

Platform category: Surveying software

Platforms: SurveyMonkey, Google Form, Typeform, Qualtrics, SurveyGizmo, Zoho Survey, Microsoft Forms, Hubspot…

Recommended for:
Companies looking to get high answer rates for their internal/external surveying initiatives.

Concept details:
Reward your employees or customers with a tree for every completed survey, making it an eco-friendly gesture. Plug your survey platform into our platform, allowing survey respondents to receive trees as a token of appreciation.


  • Win for the planet: this Planting Habit will allow to plant a large number of trees in a very simple way
  • Win for your company: demonstrates a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, enhancing your corporate social responsibility profile and attracting eco-conscious customers and partners. It also provides a unique way to engage and motivate survey respondents, making them feel valued by contributing to a meaningful cause and receiving a personalized, eco-friendly reward.
  • Win for your client: offers a tangible and meaningful reward for their participation, making them more likely to engage in surveys and provide valuable feedback. They can feel proud of contributing to reforestation efforts, knowing that their input directly translates into positive environmental impact, all while receiving a personalized tree gift that symbolizes their role in a greener future.

How it works:

PH Process

* More info on the email sending here
** More info on the tree-gift collection here

Please contact your FSM through this form for more information.

Recommended tree quantity:

1 tree/trigger

Implementation options:

Billing options:

  • Monthly invoicing: At the end of each month, Tree-Nation will automatically generate an invoice based on the number of trees planted during that month. Simply pay the invoice via bank transfer.
  • Credit auto-renew: Tree-Nation will automatically re-credit your account using your credit card whenever it is running low on credits. You can customize the credit amount based on your tree planting volume.

If you are a new user, you get 100 free trees to start with to start discovering our service at no cost. (learn more)

Checklist of needed information from your company to implement this planting habit:

  • Tree package selected (Learn more)
  • Number of trees offered per trigger
  • The tree-gift sender (either Tree-Nation or your company)
  • If you want Tree-Nation to send the gifts - please select one email language between these options: English/ French/Spanish/Italian/Portuguese/German
  • Tree-gift message
  • Tree-gift image
  • A company account on the test environment